Collaborative Research Workshop on the History of the New World Information and Communications Order
June 5-9 2023

The Non-Aligned News Research Partnership (NANReP) invites applications from collaborative-minded scholars located anywhere in the world to participate virtually in a five-day research workshop on the history of the New World Information and Communications Order (NWICO). This international e-workshop is scheduled for 5-9 June 2023.

Shepherded by the Non-Aligned Movement, NWICO was a radical declaration that sought to democratize international communications and its imperial structure. In late 1978, UNESCO member states unanimously approved NWICO in resolution form, under the long name: Declaration on Fundamental Principles concerning the Contribution of the Mass Media to Strengthening Peace and International Understanding, to the Promotion of Human Rights and to Countering Racialism, Apartheid and Incitement to War. Above all, NWICO adherents denounced the grave imbalances between the global South and North in the field of international media.
In an age of human rights and decolonization, NWICO contended that the domain of world news continued to frame racial thinking, socialize racisms, and perpetuate imperial inequalities in the world.
Supported by the UNESCO Archives and hosted by the University of SaskatchewanThis international e-workshop will collaboratively explore:
Archivists will open the collaborative research workshop with a tutorial of UNESCO‘s digital collections and be available to participants for individual consultation.
While research will be conducted independently, daily 60-minute virtual meetings will be held at practical times, based upon the time zones of accepted participants, to discuss findings, exchange information, and share ideas.
Two keynotes will be offered by contemporary NWICO participants: Roberto Savio (Co-Founder and former President of the Inter Press Service) and Dr. Nabil Dajani (member of UNESCO‘s International Panel of Experts on Communication Research in the 1970s). Finally, participation in all workshop events is mandatory.

NANReP welcomes projects outside of these topics, and generally is looking to encourage more engagement with UNESCO‘s digitized holdings. Successful proposals will not be pre-circulated.
- Histories of decolonization and the global South
- Histories of media and communications
- Histories of international organizations
- Histories of human rights
The deadline for applications is: 15 January 2023
Individual proposals must include:
1) a 300-word project description;Project descriptions should include a discussion of how UNESCO materials are integral to the research project.
and 2) a 2-page CV.Please send proposals in one PDF file to Dr. Maurice Jr. Labelle, at: maurice.jr.labelle@usask.ca.
Results will be shared with all applicants by 15 February 2023.